John Kurakar, Global Council Trustee of the United Religions Initiative and
Advocate Sajan Koshy, U.R.I South India Region convener actively participated
in the International Conference at Bangalore E.C.C on 17 t0 19 th march,2015.ECC
is a International Ecumenical Christian Center founded by very Rev. M. A. Thomas.
Rev.Dr. Cherian Thomas, Director of the center inaugurated the national
conference at 8.30 A M. on 17th Marhch, 2015. Rev. Dr. Reji Samuel
welcomed the delegates. ECC Bangalore conducted many programs were geared to
bring about a secular democratic, just and egalitarian society based on
selfless love, a society that strives for welfare and unity of all people
irrespective of caste,colour,creed and gender. The constitution of our country
guarantees all people social, economic and political justice, liberty of
thought, expression, belief,faith and worship, equality of status and
opportunity and fraternity assuring the dignity of the individual and unity and
integrity of the nation. Building up a society based on justice, Liberty,
equality and fraternity is participating in nation building
live in a plurastic society. In India we have plurality of religious of
cultures of languages and so on. Plurality has its own beauty as different
flowers in a garden. It is god’s creation and we are called to maintain that
plurality is a gift from God. God never make carbon copies but he make originals. Plurality and diversity
are God’s design. Everything has its own place and importance and value.
Conflicts arise when one tries to replace the others. There can be no peace in
the world without peace between religions. The Republic of India did not
declare any religion as a state religion rather it declares itself as a secular
republic which is essential for co-existence of religions. The Indian version
of “secular” means the state shall give equal respects to all religions.
Sajan Koshy
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